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What do you think of it so far? ----RUBBISH!

At Bolton NEWT we aim to engage many different people with a broad range of interests. Some may be interested in the conservation side: creating wildflower meadows, crafting 'dead' hedges, documenting and surveying wildlife. Others may want to be more involved in looking after the community and environment such as clearing litter and fly tipping and meeting other people they might not already engage with at such events.

As you will have seen from our Facebook posts NEWT are also promote photography, film making and art. Often some of these many aspects of NEWT overlap. For example we went out clearing fly tipping on Sunday 28th May and one of our members collected some interesting items that she thought would be useful to create something from. Then on the Thursday, on a wildlife photography shoot she found another interesting item - some rusty metal with intriguing holes in.

The final sculpture is entitled "What do you think of it so far?" (from the Morecambe and Wise catchphrase).

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