During our NEWT explorations and mapping of Leverhulme Park, we came across the Tonge Fold Allotments Plottie Shop. The allotments reside along the Tonge border of Leverhulme Park and Tonge cemetry.
Due to the financial cuts all services are having upon Bolton Council, the plotties looked into how they could sell surplus stock to help the allotment become self sufficent without the need for Council investment or support. Thus the Plotties shop was created and for the last two years the sale of surplus vegetables and Jams has helped towards the running costs of the allotments, drainage, the establishment of a community plot and social events for family and friends.
Not only is Tonge Fold a great assest for the community, it provides a cheap fresh supply of vegetables that are freshly picked that morning.
We offered our free services to the plotties to create a video to highlight the shop and an upcoming open day, which you can watch below. As always NEWT is happy to help without charge to local communites in their desire to advertise their work or events.