Today's NEWT event at 'The Bunk' on Leverhulme Park began with items of breakfast going missing. Luckily the toast wrapped in foil was located in a member of NEWT's pocket and so all was well. At first we thought we were in for a cold morning but the day was beautiful, crisp and clear. There was frost on the grass but with mugs of coffee and tea, we were ready to tackle the clearing of the wetlands and the construction of a further dead hedge.
Willow already chopped down and further shrubbery cleared today were used to create a beautiful curved hedge around the path in 'The Bunk'. We were not cold for long with this work warming us up and all were in good spirits. Natalie commented on how stick-like the sticks we were using were.....well it is a Sunday!
We stopped for some lovely barbecued spuds for lunch, prepared by Natalie and also some warming home made soup, thanks to Sue Banks.
Then it was onto some Pebble Art, inspired by the Bolton Pebble Art Fun group. Chris had prepared the pebbles with white paint so that the colours would stand out and this worked really well. We were testing out the materials for future events with kids. They can often need a little entertaining when their parents are with us, participating in our conservation work.
We then hid our efforts around the area. Hopefully some of you might find them!
And finally, if you didn't know there is a gorgeous tawny owl living on Leverhulme Park, Here are a couple of wonderful photos taken by Simon Gilkes, one of our NEWT photographers.