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Hagalaz - transformation - thanks to Volunteer Rangers

I choose a rune each morning and today's was Hagalaz. The literal meaning of this rune is hail and it represents destruction but this is required in order to transform into a new path of life. Another interpretation is transformation and today's NEWT task was definitely a that!

The site of the task was the footings of an old footbridge that spanned the railway. We have worked there before to develop a wildflower area and I also performed there to highlight the area's history.

We were joined today by David, John, Lucas, Anthony, his two lads, Noo and James (Adele's children). The first task was to clear the area of weeds and undergrowth reveal the two bridge footings once more. This was no mean feat but David, Simon, Chris and Adele worked tirelessly for a couple of hours cutting, raking and removing the debris.

Lucas and the other children were busy with John planting snowdrops and bluebells ready for the spring - how lovely a transformation that will be for the spring.

We of course welcomed and said hello to all members of the local community, including horse patting!

Then to prepare the are for further wildflowers, Chris ensured that we were all involved in sowing some yellow rattle. There seemed to be some kind of dance going on to bed it in...

A big thank you goes to Anthony for his strimming and mowing, which enabled us to get so much done today. A true transformation was achieved to be enjoyed by all who walk through this fascinating area.

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