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Bonnets, Bubbles and Bunnies!

Wow what a huge turn out at the NEWT Easter Event on Leverhulme Park. Volunteers set up the stand and hid pebbles around the park, ready for children to find and bring to us to exchange for a choccie egg and a woolly sheep (made by Adele).

We were joined early on by the Bolton FM van who had heard about the event and volunteered their music. So as the music played the children ran through the bubbles from our four bubble machines, in the sun.

Simon and Chris had made giant carrots for a display and Nieve and James dressed as dinosaurs thrilled the children and posed with them for photographs.

It was lovely to see so many families out on the park enjoying the event and the highlight for many of us was seeing all the Easter bonnets that the children had created. There were some funny ones and fantastic ones, all showed off proudly.

A massive thanks to all of the people and organisations that contributed to the event (pic below).

We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves too. Happy Easter!!


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