How lucky were we with the weather today for our task on Leverhulme Park? We were digging out a pond and mud from silt traps, channeling water to create a variety of diverse wetland habitats for amphibians and invertebrates, we even made a ledge for the Roe Deer to drink from. This work was carried out in Weasel Woods, just near the Wetland Bunk.
Some 'before' shots:
As we were working, thoughts of water and the lessons to be learned in life from water kept coming to mind and reminded me of a talk, based on a Tao Te Ching poem.

Water does not contend with what is around it, it flows, round barriers and keeps going in smooth powerful motion. If we keep contending, battling with life and the universe, we face a constant battle. If we surrender, we are more at peace.
The task was quite aerobic, I'm expecting my arms to fall off tomorrow, but all god fun. The mud kept slurping and farting as each dollop was moved.
Simon also managed some beautiful shots of some fungi growing underneath a branch.
It was fantastic to be out in the open air, caring for the animals that inhabit our park and creating places for them to flourish.